Thursday 12 April 2018

Back we go

Bedouin children
Peaks of Sinai

Father Nilus from Devon
St Catherine's Monastery

 What do you pack in your suitcase if you are going to spend a week in a Monastery guesthouse? Well, my very heavy suitcase has got a kettle, a hot water bottle, lots of bits and pieces for the Bedouin children, 2 boxes of chocolates for the monks, a jar of marmalade for Father Nilus, a kit for celebrating mass on the top of the mountain, blister plasters, paracetamol just in case, lots of socks and of course, the electric rollers!  So, you may be wondering what place vanity has in a retreat!  It doesn't!  It especially doesn't because round the Monastery, I will keep my head covered.  I will be with 21 other people and our own monk, Father Laurence Freeman OSB.  I will keep the blog updated unless there isn't enough coverage to post it.  Here are some photographs of where we will be so you can imagine yourself alongside us.

Father Justin, the librarian 
St Peter, looks so  modern but is over 1500 years old

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