Monday 16 April 2018

From Sinai to Singapore

Hello baby Agnes in Singapore all the way from the foot of Mount Sinai where I have been waiting to hear of your safe arrival and to hear that you have met your sisters and your Mum and Dad. This place is the best possible place for me to hear the names you have been given because this is where people with your names are very specially loved.  Agnes means lamb and lambs are a sign of heaven’s favour to people.  There are people who say that this place, St Catherine’s Monastery is right between heaven and earth and it certainly has bits of both heaven and earth about it.
This picture is one which is here, it is called an icon not a picture because it shows something special to the person looking at it.  The gold background here is showing that the people in the picture come from heaven and are here to tell us about it.  The lady with the baby is Mary and her baby is Jesus who is also known as a Lamb of God and also known as a Shepherd for his sheep. Jesus came from heaven, He knew all about it and He left Messages and messengers to tell us how to make our way back there when we needed to go. Here at this Monastery there are millions of messages, some are in pictures, some in old old written books and long long scrolls which have to be rolled out to read and some messages are in the beautiful Monks who look after the treasures and also feed the people who visit from all round the world. Our special Monk is called Father Justin and when I told him you were born, he smiled for a long time because he knew you were going to be a special person, full of kindness and bright as a star.

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